During the covid19 lockdown, I was sheltering in place in my home in Ireland. Jobless, and anxious for stimulation, I decided to sit down and start trying to self teach myself how to paint in the art noveau style. It is surprisingly challenging for a style that almost seems simplistic. Many of my favorite art noveau pieces were made with Lithograph instead of painting with a brush. With only paint and endless time on my hands, I started sketching from various reference images I gathered. I streamed the video live on facebook so my friends could watch my progress and chat with me online about it as I went. Several beautiful Saturdays saw more progress. Eventually lockdown ended, and I put the painting away for a couple of years. In 2022, I picked it back up again with the intention of finishing it. I did complete filling in color and have reached a point of acceptable end. But even so, as every learning process is for me, I see there is more I could do. Perhaps one day I will. In the meantime, this is my study of art noveau, processed through my imagination into this nature driven painting.
Acrylic on canvas