This is a little pencil drawing I did while listening to music at a music festival. Started as a silly sketch that inspired me to do a color version.
Cleo Journeys Beyond
Acrylic on Canvas, Jan 2025 Cleo was my most beloved cat for more than half my life. I lost her recently to illness, and I miss her dearly. I did this painting to help remember[…]
Acrylic on Canvas I painted this with the DJ artist Tipper in mind. His music is incredibly psychedelic and visceral. His symbol is a question mark, which is what my figure is sitting on. She[…]
Bubble Girl
Acrylic on Canvas Using no reference photos, and no underlying sketch, I set out to see what my brain could do, just imagining and using past experience painting. There is a lot I would do[…]
A Study of Art Noveau
During the covid19 lockdown, I was sheltering in place in my home in Ireland. Jobless, and anxious for stimulation, I decided to sit down and start trying to self teach myself how to paint in[…]